Xu Bing's Visit to Cornell University as Andrew D. White Professors-at-Large
Xu Bing was appointed as Andrew D. White Professors-at-Large at Cornell University in 2015, as a representative figure in the field of arts. Established in 1965 in celebration of Cornell University’s centenary, the program was named after its first President who proposed “the establishment of a system of non-resident professors” who are selected for their outstanding achievements in diverse disciplines including science, public affairs, and the creative arts. During the six-year term of appointment, each professor-at-large visits campus twice to interact with students and faculty and give a public lecture during the academic year.
Xu Bing visited Cornell University on September 25, 2018 and stayed on campus for a week. On September 28, Xu Bing presented a talk about his five-channel animation art, the Character of Characters, which is now shown at Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University. Accompanying the campus-wide Cornell Council for the Arts 2018 Biennial, Duration: Passage, Persistence, Survival, the exhibition was curated by Ellen Avril, chief curator and curator of Asian art at the Johnson. Earlier works by Xu Bing as well as selected Chinese paintings and calligraphy from the Johnson’s collection are also displayed in the show. The talk by Xu Bing started at 5:15 PM on Friday, September 28, at Wing Lecture Room, the Johnson Museum.
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